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Are Cats Allowed In Condos

Condos often have pet policies in place to maintain harmony among residents. Be specific about what types of pets are permitted andor prohibited Most of us think of dogs. Specific types of pets allowed dogs cats fish and any breeds that are prohibited If you choose not to allow. It can be difficult to keep a pet in a condo Despite the fact that most condominiums limit pets to one per. 100K visitors in the past month..


There are no restrictions on keeping cats as pets on private property On the other hand cats are not allowed in HDB flats as they are deemed difficult to contain within a. On 2 December 2023 the government announced that people who stay in HDB flats can keep up to two cats per flat effective from the latter half of 2024. Find out which animal breeds are allowed in an HDB versus a private condominium or landed property HDBs have the strictest restrictions when it comes to pets. Cats and other legal pets can be kept at private residences but do be mindful that if you are living in a condominium or apartment there might be other by-laws set by the. Cats could be allowed in Housing and Development Board HDB flats if a proposed framework to manage felines is implemented..

Condos often have pet policies in place to maintain harmony among residents. Be specific about what types of pets are permitted andor prohibited Most of us think of dogs. Specific types of pets allowed dogs cats fish and any breeds that are prohibited If you choose not to allow. It can be difficult to keep a pet in a condo Despite the fact that most condominiums limit pets to one per. 100K visitors in the past month..

